Jamestown vs. Plymouth

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Jamestown vs. Plymouth
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Leksjonsplaner av Anna Warfield

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Age of Exploration / Age of Discovery lesson plan - Plymouth and Jamestown

Storyboard Tekst

  • General Assembly Meeting
  • In 1607, made up of 100 colonists, the Virignia Company established the Jamestown Colony in North America, on the banks of the James River. Jamestown would become the first permanent English colony in North America
  • Jamestown was established as an economic venture. Many Jamestown colonists were in search of gold and valuable minerals.
  • Church of England
  • Many of the Jamestown colonists were seen as "gentlemen" and not skilled tradesmen. The lack of experience with agriculture led to starvation for many.
  • Jamestown founded the first representative government in North America. The Jamestown General Assembly attempted to establish "just laws for the happy guiding and governing of the people there inhabiting".
  • The Mayflower Compact
  • Plymouth was founded in 1620 by a group of religious separatists. These separatists would colonize the area known as Massachusetts and set the stage for future English colonization.
  • The Plymouth colony was founded by the Pilgrims otherwise known as "Separatists". They sought to break off entirely from the Church of England.
  • Unfamiliar with the harsh winters of New England, nearly half of the initial 102 colonists died in the first winter. Thanks to the guidance of local Native Americans, the Plymouth colonists learned how to survive.
  • Before the colonists landed in Plymouth, they signed the Mayflower Compact. The compact created a “Civil Body Politic” to enact “just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices.”
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