Et Mangoformet Romplottdiagram

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Et Mangoformet Romplottdiagram
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En brunhåret jente står foran en katt med silhuett og en uskarp regnbue. Hun smiler med hendene på hoftene. Dette er Mia fra A Mango Shaped Space.

Et mangoformet rom av Wendy Mass

Av Lauren Ayube

Tretten år gamle Mia er ikke som alle andre. For henne har ord, tall og lyder farge. Det er rundt henne, hele tiden - som om det ikke er vanskelig nok å være tretten. Dette er en hjertevarmende roman om å passe inn, være annerledes og omfavne det som gjør deg unik.

Et Mangoformet rom

Storyboard Beskrivelse

Lag et visuelt sammendrag av A Mango-Shaped Space av Wendy Mass, og fremhev viktige øyeblikk fra historien.

Storyboard Tekst

  • A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass
  • Oh Mango, jeg forstår ikke alle tallene i matematikk.
  • A
  • F
  • B
  • Imagine if you saw the letters, numbers, and sounds in color! Imagine if you kept it a secret from everyone. Imagine if that secret got out. What would you do?
  • Oh, Mango! How did you get outside?!
  • Thirteen year old Mia isn’t like everyone else. For her, words, numbers, and sounds have color. It’s all around her, all of the time - as if being thirteen isn’t hard enough already. When Mia starts struggling in school, she realizes that there has to be more to her than just not being “normal.”
  • My cat died.
  • Mia begins to do poorly in math and finally tells her parents about what’s going on with her. After seeing a few doctors, Mia learns that she has a condition called synesthesia. She joins an online community of others like her, and begins to embrace who she is.
  • After seeming less energetic than normal and not eating, Mia’s beloved cat Mango dies. Mia blames herself because she’s been so involved in herself and feels she neglected Mango and others.
  • Mia is sad for a long time, and doesn’t want to do anything. Eventually she returns to school and her life seemingly returns to “normal”. Her family has become closer and Mia realizes who her real friends are.
  • Oh, Mia, I am so sorry. I know how horrible this feels.
  • At the Roth’s holiday party, Mia and her brother Zack see that the family’s cat has had kittens. One of them looks exactly like Mango, and they realize that Mango is the father of the litter. Mia sees a mustard color surrounding the kitten, and doesn’t want to replace Mango so soon. That night she has a dream that she’s eating a hot dog with lots of mustard at the fair, and realizes that the kitten is meant to be a part of her family.
  • That little one looks just like Mango.
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