Discussion Storyboard on Light and Rainbows - High School

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Discussion Storyboard on Light and Rainbows - High School
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Vitenskap Diskusjon Storyboards

Av Oliver Smith

Et Discussion Storyboard er et storyboard som er designet for å fremme diskusjon i klasserommet. Hver storyboard er en situasjon eller et spørsmål som er sammenkoblet med et visuelt og forskjellige synspunkter på situasjonen.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Why is a rainbow different colors? Discuss the Electromagnetic Spectrum with discussion storyboards

Storyboard Tekst

  • Different colors of light are made of different materials.
  • Different colors of light have different wave lengths.
  • Different colors of light travel at different speeds.
  • The different colored light is like white light, but stained.
  • The students are looking at a rainbow and wondering why the light is different colors.
  • Sara
  • Chelsea
  • Jose
  • Curtis
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