Answering The Door Social Story

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Sociale Situationer og Scenarier for Børn

af Natasha Lupiani

Inkorporering af storyboard-eksempler på sociale historier forud for begivenheder, kan hjælpe med at lette individer ind i interaktionerne ved at demonstrere, hvad der kan ske. Brug vores færdiglavede sociale historier i dag!

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Social story example / Social Stories Autism | Create social stories to help students who need help navigating social situations

Storyboard Tekst

  • Knock Knock
  • Who is there?
  • I'm from Jimmy's Pizza!
  • Just a minute!
  • Janie hears a knock on the door.
  • Before opening the door, she asks who it is and looks out the window. Janie should never unlock the door.
  • The person behind the door provides an answer.
  • Janie leaves the door locked and goes to get an adult, who will open the door.
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