Open Dyslexic Font Storyboards

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Open Dyslexic Font Storyboards
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Storyboards og Dyslexia Font

af Natasha Lupiani

Mange elever kæmper med læringsvanskeligheder som dysleksi. Opret storyboards med den åbne dyslektiske skrifttype for at hjælpe eleverne med at forstå informationen sammen med den visuelle kontekst af historien!

Tjek nogle af vores andre uddannelsesartikler!

Storyboard Beskrivelse

Dyslexia Friendly Storyboards created with the open dyslexia font to help students with learning disabilities

Storyboard Tekst

  • We will be reading Freckle Juice!
  • Activities:
  • 1. Read the book2. Write a book report
  • Ugh! Writing a book report is so boring!
  • We will be reading Freckle Juice! And you will be creating a storyboard instead of a written assignment.
  • Activities:
  • 1. Read the book2. Complete a book report
  • I have Dyslexia, I struggle with reading and writing.
  • That is so cool!
  • They have the Open Dyslexic Font!
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