TKAM Characters in Conflict

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for To Kill a Mockingbird

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Activity Overview

Literary conflicts are often taught during ELA units. Building on prior knowledge to achieve mastery level with our students is important. An excellent way to focus on the various types of literary conflict is through storyboarding. Having students choose an example of each literary conflict or moral dilemma and depict it using the storyboard creator is a great way to reinforce your lesson!

In To Kill a Mockingbird, conflict is not only present, but it is a very apparent element. Much of the conflict arises from the prejudices of the people of Maycomb.

Examples of To Kill a Mockingbird Conflict

MAN vs. SELF: The Sheriff vs. Himself

When Boo kills Ewell, the sheriff must decide whether to lie, or to arrest Boo. He decides to call the incident an accident, and that Ewell fell on his knife. The decision to lie was a struggle for the Sheriff. If he arrested Boo, it would have been like killing a mockingbird.

MAN vs. SOCIETY: Atticus vs. Racism in Maycomb

A prime example of a man vs. society is when Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson. Members of the town feel Atticus should not defend Tom because he is black, and the novel is set in a time of racial discrimination. Atticus is looked upon poorly, threatened, and even harassed, for being Tom’s Lawyer.

MAN vs. MAN: Bob Ewell vs. Boo Radley.

At the conclusion of the novel, Ewell goes after Scout and Jem on their way home. To save them, Boo leaves his house and kills Ewell in a fight.

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Template and Class Instructions

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Student Instructions

Create a storyboard that shows at least three forms of literary conflict in To Kill a Mockingbird.

  1. Identify conflicts in To Kill a Mockingbird.
  2. Categorize each conflict as Character vs. Character, Character vs. Self, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Nature, or Character vs. Technology.
  3. Illustrate conflicts in the cells, using characters from the story.
  4. Write a short description of the conflict below the cell.

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How To Discuss the Ethical Dilemmas Faced in Literary Conflicts


Introduce Ethical Dilemmas

Start with defining ethical dilemmas, which are instances where characters must make moral decisions between two options that are incompatible but both have ethical repercussions. Teachers can give students a few examples of ethical dilemmas that everyone faces in daily life.


Give Context

Give the story the required background information, such as the characters, the scene, and the events that led up to the conflict. Define and give examples of different types of literary conflicts in literature such as character vs self or character vs character.


Discuss Morality and Practicality

Encourage students to assess the character's moral convictions against practical reasons when evaluating morality vs. practicality. Discuss whether morality or necessity is given priority by characters. Students can also discuss their experiences with situations where they had to choose morality over practicality or vice-versa and give their reasoning for doing so.


Discuss Consequences

Identify different types of ethical dilemmas faced by characters in the story and examine the probable short- and long-term effects of each decision as you discuss the outcomes. Encourage students to consider how possible outcomes might affect the character and the course of the story.


Encourage Respectful Debate

Establish a respectful, welcoming climate in the classroom where students can express their differing opinions. Stress the value of productive discourse and active listening.

Frequently Asked Questions About Literary Conflict in To Kill a Mockingbird

How do the internal struggles of the characters impact the story as a whole?

The internal problems of the characters give their depictions depth and reality. For instance, Scout's internal battle to comprehend Boo Radley shows how she has changed from being innocent to comprehending. These internal tensions add to the intricacy of the story's themes by reflecting the more significant societal concerns.

How does the character Atticus Finch represent conflict in the book?

Through his person vs. society conflict, Atticus Finch serves as an example of conflict. The locals are against him and criticize him for protecting Tom Robinson, a black guy who is charged with raping a white woman. Atticus' unshakable commitment to justice and moral integrity put him at odds with the prejudiced culture he lived in.

How does the Tom Robinson case illustrate multiple forms of conflict?

A complex and multi-layered conflict is represented by Tom Robinson's trial. It pits one person against another (Atticus against the prosecution), one person against society (Tom Robinson against racial prejudice), and one person against oneself (each juror's internal battle with their own prejudices). The little social conflicts that exist in Maycomb are reflected in this trial.

More Storyboard That Activities

To Kill a Mockingbird

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