Social Story - Peer Pressure

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Social Story - Peer Pressure
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Sosial Historie Tenåringer

Sosiale Stories for Tenåringer

av Natasha Lupiani

Sosiale historier er ikke bare for yngre studenter; de kan være nyttige for alle aldre, inkludert tenåringer. Bruk storyboards som en ikke-truende måte å starte ellers vanskelige samtaler med tenåringsstudenter.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

A Social Story for peer pressure. Use social scenarios for teens and free social stories printables today!

Storyboard Tekst

  • Uh, ok...That sounds like fun!
  • Hey, my parents will be gone this weekend, you should come to my party!
  • Oh man, how do I get out of this? I don't want to drink!
  • Have a drink, you will have more fun!
  • Sorry, I can't stay. I have a really busy weekend.
  • Aww, that's no fun. Well, see you Monday!
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