The Benefit of Personas

Creating user personas is the perfect way to take a in depth look at potential customers and how your product fits their needs. You'll often have more than one, so it's helpful to introduce both your product development and marketing team to each profile. Who are they? What need are they looking to fill or what problem do they have? How does your product fit or exceed that need? Along with the Johari's Window theory, the following resources will help guide you through creating personas, give you tips and tricks, and access to a wide variety of templates and visual aids.

3. Del: Person za Razvoj Izdelkov
Uporabniške Osebnosti
Kartiranje Potovanj s Strankami
Zemljevidi Potovanja Strank
Persona Infographics
Infografske Predloge Persona
Prinesi Oseb v vaš Urad
Ustvarite Uporabniško Osebo
Uporaba in Ustvarjanje Persona
Uporabite Persone v Poslovanju
Uporabnik Persona
Kaj je....
Ustvarite Uporabnika Persona
Okno Johari
*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)
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