Maniac Magee Summary - Plot Elements

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Maniac Magee Summary - Plot Elements
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Kirjailija: Natasha Lupiani

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Kuvakäsikirjoitus Kuvaus

Maniac Magee summary and Plot Diagram storyboard Story Plot Map

Kuvakäsikirjoitus Teksti

  • West End
  • East End
  • Jeffrey becomes an orphan, and is forced to live with his Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan. He can no longer stand living with them, and runs away.
  • What are you doing here?
  • Jeffrey performs many impressive feats and earns the name "Maniac".
  • Maniac bounces between East End and West End, trying to find a place to call home.
  • Welcome home Jeffrey.
  • Maniac blurs the lines between blacks and whites by bringing Mars Bar to the McNab's home.
  • Maniac is disappointed by the behavior in Two Mills and is upset that he can't fix the problems himself; he is alone and unsure about the future.
  • Maniac befriends Mars Bar and moves back to the one place he truly feels at home - with the Beale family.
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