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Setting Goals Lesson Plans

Understanding and mastering proper goal setting techniques will help students effectively hone in on interests and desires. Keeping yourself motivated to reach long term goals is a hurdle all individuals must accomplish to reach their intended outcome. A dream is a goal without any action plan, but dreams can easily become achievable goals. Following the SMART goals format, students will be able to develop their goals and understand the factors that go into achieving them.

Student Activities for Setting Goals

Essential Questions for Goal Setting

  1. What is a SMART goal?
  2. What are the different types of goals?
  3. What is goal progression and why is it important?

Goal Setting

Whether they want to admit it or not, all of your students want to succeed in your classroom. Finding a career they enjoy and that supports them financially is a long term goal most students have. For some this may not be a goal, but merely a wish. A wish is a desire with no plan of action to achieve it. In order to get that desirable job, they will need to complete other mid range and short term goals. This action plan is one of the steps in a SMART goal: creating a realistic way to achieve your goals and turn a dream into a reality.

S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific and Measurable while having an Action plan with Realistic expectations in an alloted Time-frame. All these components work together to achieve goals. When students know how they can reach their goals, they build intrinsic motivation. Short term goals build to mid range and eventually students will find themselves completing the long term outcome. Hopefully by the time they reach that long term goal, they have already had another big picture outcome in mind making the original long term goal a part of the new action plan. The activities above touch upon that learning objective and will help build this mindset in your students.

Additional Goal Setting Lesson Plan Ideas

  1. SMART Scenario - read students a scenario of someone who wants to achieve something but needs help. Have the students create a SMART goals storyboard to help them achieve it.
  2. Difference between a wish and a goal - Have students make a compare and contrast storyboard the differences between a wish and a goal.
  3. Have student differentiate from a realistic vs. a unrealistic goals.

Image Attributions
  • Diploma • NosLidawiki • License Attribution (
  • movie • Sweetie187 • License Attribution (
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