Literary Conflict in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Crucible, The

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Activity Overview

Literary conflicts are a major element often taught during ELA units. Storyboarding is an excellent way to focus on types of literary conflict.

Using a traditional three-cell storyboard with titles and descriptions, students can identify three different types of conflict that are described in the text. Then they can visually represent an example of each conflict, along with an explanation of the scene, and how it fits the particular category of conflict. Students can label each type in the title cell and describe how it is shown in the description cell.

In the example storyboard above, each cell contains a particular type of conflict. The type of conflict is displayed, and visually represented with an explanation of the scene, and how it fits the specific category of conflict.

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Template and Class Instructions

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Due Date:


Create a storyboard that shows at least three forms of literary conflict in The Crucible

Student Instructions:

  1. Click “Start Assignment”.
  2. Identify conflicts in The Crucible.
  3. Categorize each conflict as either Character vs. Character, Character vs. Self, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Nature, Character vs. Supernatural, or Character vs. Technology.
  4. Illustrate conflicts in the cells, using characters from the story.
  5. Write a short description of the conflict below the cell.

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How To Discuss the Character vs. Society Conflict in The Crucible


Explain Different Types of Conflicts

Begin by discussing different types of literary conflicts in class. Start with external and internal conflicts and later on move to more detailed conflicts such as character vs. self or character vs. nature when students are more familiar with the concept. Give everyday use examples for each conflict for instance, for character vs. character ask the students how many times they fight with their friends or family each day.


Identify the Character vs. Society Conflicts in the Story

Analyze characters who best represent the conflict in order to identify them. John Proctor, Giles Corey, and Reverend Hale are just a few prominent figures from "The Crucible" to consider. Describe how each character deviates from society's standards due to their ideas or conduct. For instance, John Proctor's integrity and Reverend Parris’ reputation are important characteristics they want to maintain in front of society.


Examine Character Motivations

Examine the driving forces behind the characters' behavior. Ask the students to think about what motivates people to defy social expectations and discuss the repercussions of their disobedience as well. Connect these character motivations with real life and ask the students about their interaction with society and if they had ever defied or confined to society’s expectations.


Connect With Other Conflicts

Ask the students to identify other conflicts present in the story and connect them with each other. Guide the discussion using questions such as Are the consequences of one conflict impacting the other or are there any interconnected conflicts in the story?


Connect With Themes

Link the character versus society struggle to the play's overarching themes. For instance, the battle draws attention to the risks associated with power abuse, conformity, and mass panic.

Frequently Asked Questions About Literary Conflict in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

What is the key conflict in “The Crucible” that drives the story?

The internal and external battle between many people and the restrictive cultural rules and frenzy surrounding the Salem witch trials constitute the main literary conflict in "The Crucible." Students can reflect on the consequences and the reasons for this conflict to gain a deeper understanding of the story.

Which characters in the story are the driving force behind the conflicts?

John Proctor, Abigail Williams, Reverend Hale, and Judge Danforth are a few of the significant figures who take part in the internal and external conflicts of the story. These characters all experience internal and external tensions because of their own views and the Salem witch trials and accusations. Students can also compare the conflicts experienced by people during the Salem witch trials and the conflicts experienced during the 1950s communist hunt.

More Storyboard That Activities

Crucible, The

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