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  • Mani Scenāriji

Personal Examples of Wellness

Skatīt Nodarbību Plānu
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Personal Examples of Wellness
Storyboard That

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!
Jūs varat atrast šo montāžas šādās rakstiem un resursi:
Labsajūtas Jomas — Fiziskais Piemērs

Wellness Rajoni

Nodarbību Plāni - Patriks Hīlijs

Lai gan fiziskā veselība ir svarīga, jāņem vērā vēl četri svarīgi aspekti: sociālais, garīgais, intelektuālais un emocionālais. Tie visi ietilpst jumta terminā "labsajūta". Ir svarīgi pievērsties šai vienībai smalki, iejūtīgi un profesionāli, un Storyboard That var palīdzēt.


Wellness Rajoni

Montāžas Apraksts

Have students create personal examples of wellness in their lives.

Montāžas Teksta

  • Physical
  • Definition of Wellness Aspects
  • Physical wellness is the ability to exercise, avoid sickness or illness, and accomplish tasks.
  • Visuals
  • I'm going to block this kick!
  • Emotional
  • Emotional wellness is the ability to experience, process, and balance internal feelings and stress.
  • We played tough. We'll get them next time man.
  • I can't believe we lost. 
  • Intellectual
  • Intellectual wellness is the ability to reach a desired level of intelligence, show creativity, or perform mentally stimulating tasks.
  • Tough loss boys. Every loss is a lesson. What could we have done differently?
  • Spiritual
  • Spiritual wellness is the ability to recognize a meaningful purpose and direction in life.
  • I can't believe we lost. 
  • Good thinking. Let's try to run it tomorrow during practice.
  • I think a 4 - 4 - 2 defense would have allowed for less goals scored on us.
  • Social wellness is the ability to build and maintain positive interpersonal relations.
  • The most important lessons are learned through mistakes. Even the best teams lose sometimes.
  • Good game.
  • Thanks, You guys played hard.
  • Social
  • CLAP
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