Good morning Mark, have you spoken to the trade union about the meeting with Mr Steve?
Yes i have spoken to the , in fact i have a meeting with them in few minutes, please set up the boardroom for the meeting.
At work
Good morning and thank you for coming, we will have a meeting with our employer concerning the wage increase because ever since the pandemic it has been dropping with no explanation so we would like for you to be present on this meeting.
You have made a great decision on asking for our presence we will first have to hear what Mr Steve have to say the we can engage, this is really not fair.
At work
Good morning Mrs Steve I am here to remind you about the meeting that will take place at 3pm
Tracy i have already told you that there wont be any salary increase the business is slow but, FINE! i will be there
Tracy asking Mark if he spoke to the trade union about the meeting that will take place in the after noon with Mr Steve.
Meeting starts
Good morning everyone and welcome, this meeting is about wage increase, ever since pandemic started we have been getting half of the money we were supposed to get but there was no explanation on why this happened and when will thing go back to normal so i will give Mr Stven to explain.
Here we go again!
Meeting with the trade union
Meeting in progress..
Good morning everyone i have heard your complaints but unfortunately a raise wont be possible because the company is not doing well so there is no enough money coming in, the only way an increase can be available is when we retrench some of you and I do not think that is what you all want because no one would like to loose their job, if you were all working hard enough maybe you would not be complaining about money now...
Tracy telling Mr Steve that he should be ready for the meeting all the employees will attend and they will be asking questions.
Meeting in progress....
Striking and damaging the company will not give you an increase but let me bring my Mr Donovan The CEO to speak to you maybe he can find a way forward
Mark addresses the meeting in Mr Steve and trade union presence.
Mr Steve addresses the employees telling them that the increase wont happen because the company is very slow and there wont be enough money to increase on everyone.
The employees started singing "MR STEVE MUST PAY OR TOOLS DOWN"