After 20 years of Odysseus's long journey, he finally returned home. But when he returned, he had been stunned. Odysseus had seen more than 100 suitors just like what Athena had said. So Odysseus had decided to not make a grand entrance and disguises himself as a beggar.
"Who sends an arrow through iron axe-helve sockets... I join my life with his."
As Odysseus walks into his home, there stands Penelope explaining the task that they must compete to be her partner. Penelope had no faith in Odysseus coming home but she didn't want to replace him, so she came up with a very difficult task that she only thought Odysseus could do.
"Telemachus, the stranger, you welcomed in your hall has not disgraced you. I did not miss, neither did I take all day stringing the bow."
As Odysseus went up to string the bow, he took his time and made the task which nobody has yet done look so easy. At first the suitors had been making fun of him, then then their faces turned. Odysseus strung the bow and shot.