but I don't know how to use the smart travel card. I think I should ask about new ticketing system form someone who know about it.
I'm worn out. It's better if I could catch a bus.
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Hi Son, Can you tell me how to pay for a bus ticket using this smart travel card?
Yah, sure. Now it's very easy to travel using this card. Let me show you how to use it.
The bus is coming...Let's go!!
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You have to swipe the card in the smart card reader
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La historia comienza en una situación casual, donde Juan y Alexis estudiantes de la Carrera de Contabilidad se encuentran en un mismo medio de transporte, dirigiéndose ambos a su centro de estudio ; la UCV - Lima Norte
“Qué sorpresa Juan”, son coincidencias de la vida supongo
Hola Alexis que coincidencia , toparnos
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You have to swipe the card again in the smart card reader
As a passenger, he needs to swipe the smart card when he gets out of the bus and the smart card reader identifies the passenger when he swipes the card. Smart card reader calculates the total bus fare depending on the amount per kilometer * distance and it will deduct from the user account.
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When you getting into the bus you have to swipe your smart travel card to the card reader in the bus. For the valid card it gives a sound. So that driver can know that the card is read successfully.
It's a pleasure. Bye!
Thank You Son, it's very easy. Now I love to travel by bus