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CPR Comic

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CPR Comic
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  • Its just another normal day at the BWI Airport. The passengers here are waiting for a plane to France! But little do the know that one of them is about to experience Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
  • AED
  • Meanwhile, Liam goes off to find an AED. He talks to two elderly people. A man, and a woman, and asks them if they have seen a AED anywhere. They both tell him that they saw an AED pack near the entrance of the Food Court which is where they are now. An AED is used to deliver shock to the victim and wake them up from the Cardiac Arrest.
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood to the body. Soon, the person will stop breathing, and start gasping and gagging for air. Let's see how these passengers react.
  • Looks like Sandra is the victim of Cardiac Arrest. We can tell by her expression that she is NOT okay. Her mouth is open, and her eyes are wide open. She is gasping for air.
  • Ok Emily! I'll go get an AED if I can find one. I'll also try to find a Security Guard.
  • Sandra, are you ok? Are you ok?? I'll start chest compressions, Liam go find an AED or security guard. Keep it up Joy!
  • Luckily, Emily, the one with orange hair and a blue shirt, is a doctor. She knows that Sandra is going through Cardiac Arrest. She acts quickly and asks Sandra if she is okay.
  • Joy, the one with her phone in her hand, calls 911. With every minute that pass, Sandra's life expectancy goes down 10%. Liam goes to get an AED.
  • Hello? Yes we are at the BWI Airport, Terminal 112? Yes she has collapsed from sudden Cardiac Arrest!
  • Emily starts performing CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). She puts one hand on Sandra's chest and interlocks the other hand on top. She thrusts Sandra's chest, deep and fast, at a rate of 100 bpm.
  • Due to Emily's quick and accurate Chest Compressions, Joy's calling of the ambulance, quickly, and Liam's AED, Sandra woke up about a day after the incident. Her family were notified and she thanks her fellow passengers for the life- saving actions they took. Sandra's story helps us understand that CPR is one of the most effective ways to help someone in SCA recover. Also remember- there are AEDs in almost every public place!
  • The 911 dispatcher tells Joy that the ambulance will arrive in 2-3 minutes. Until then, Emily will have to continue pressing hardly and swiftly. In SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest), every minute counts. Only 10% of SCA victims survive, so Emily, Joy, and Liam need to work hard and fast.
  • As I was saying, Bill- Oh hi honey! Do you need anything? Oh yes Bill and I saw an AED at the entrance of the Food Court.
  • Hi, so sorry to bother you. But have you happened to see an AED anywhere in the airport? Thank you!
  • Yeah kid. Agnes is right. We saw an AED at the entrance. Wish you good luck. We can come help our if you'd like!
  • Hi guys! I got an AED! Hopefully this will wake up Sandra and have her back to normal!
  • Great! Let's go to the ambulance, before Sandra gets even worse!
  • Ok, the ambulance is waiting outside of the airport. Let's go get her outside. Someone will probably be waiting near the entrance with a stretcher.
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