The executive director meets with the owner of a maquiladora for the production of the garments.
I am very pleased to be able to produce our collection in your maquila that cares about its environmental footprint and respects the labor rights of its workers
The CEO meets with the head of a marketing agency to create their advertising campaign.
Me gustaría que la campaña fuera enfocada en la sustentabilidad y la moda ética
The executive director meets with the director of the company where they are going to distribute their clothes
I think it's important that both the manufacturing and distribution process be sustainable, which is why I like your companies to handle our distribution and shipping from the online store.
Finally our collection went on sale and it was a success. We help the environment and local businesses in our community
Now that the designs are ready, I will get the textiles from our suppliers and the maquila that produces the garments.
The executive director meets with a supplier to obtain the materials for the production of the garments.
Thank you very much for having me, I am very excited to be able to produce our collection with your sustainable textiles