I found this piece of paper on my desk a while ago... it has three math problems written on it that seems to be about the Limitation of Exponential Functions.
Hi, Ben! If you see this, pls answer the equations to answer all your thoughts!
lim 12(x)-3
lim 22(x)-5+2
If we would substitute the values of x then simplify, we would get the answers: 1, 4, and 3. But what does those number means?
lim 32(x)-1
Love,Anne 3
As far as I can recall, in the Limitations of Exponential Functions, the value of x is equal to the value of a. Therefore, all we need to do in order to solve the equations are to evaluate the problem then substitute the given value of x.
Hi, Ben! If you see this, pls answer the equations to answer all your thoughts!
lim 12(x)-3
lim 22(x)-5+2
lim 32(x)-1
= 1
= 4
Love,Anne 3
= 3
Oh, that's very simple! It's a cheesy way of saying I love you for it has 1, 4, and 3 letters!
Ben, I didn't know you were here! You busy?
Oh, Ron! Yes, I'm in the middle of something. Mind if I ask what's the meaning of 1 4 3?