In this scene we see that they decide to hold a meeting with everyone and they want to create rules. They come up with the rule that who ever has the conch shell is the only person to be able to speak.
In this scene we see that they are having their meeting then the little kids start saying how they see a beastie at night and they are very scared. Ralph and Jack are mad and keep telling the kids its nothin but the kids still believe there is a beast. Jack and Ralph next say that they will hunt down bestie and kill it.
The kids end up coming up with a plan. So they were saying that they were going to get rescued by a boat passing by. But then they asked themselves, how would people even know that we are here. So they plan in doing a fire so it can make smoke so it is visible for anyone that is near there. That way they will be able to be rescued.
In this scene we see that the kids collect items to be able to start a fire. They collect stuff like dry logs, leaves and twigs. The way they are able to start a fire is by using Piggy's glasses lens. Piggy is mad because they took his glasses and he has a hard time seeing without them.
The kids have started a fire but it got out of control and the fire started expanding more and more. Sadly one of the kids lost there life in this fire. The name of the kid that died was not revealed.
We see that Piggy is really bad treated throughout the story. Just because he looks different they treat him bad. But in reality he is the smartest one from all of them. He is the one that has all the good ideas.