When Moses was on the mountain, getting the Ten Commandments, the people thought that Moses was dead and so forced Aaron to make a gold calf. When Moses came down, he broke the calf and asked God to forgive the people. Even after the people broke the Covenant between God and them, God forgave His people!
Moral Truth: God is MercifulDespite the fact that the people broke the covenant between God and His people, God forgave them. God wasn't willing to destroy His people. Rather, He punished them, but then forgave them.
On the way to Mount Sinai, the Israelites constantly complained to Moses for food. When God provided the people of Israel with manna, the Israelites complained that they didn't have any meat to eat. This constant complaining caused God to punish the people of Israel multiple times in His anger. But, God always forgave them.
Moral Truth: God is PatientThe people of Israel constantly complained to Moses. Though they complained and had no faith in God, God was extremely patient towards them and thus never abandoned them.
Many years later, after Moses died, God finally fulfilled the promise He had made when bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. Under the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites successfully conquered the land of Canaan. The Old Covenant was in force from the day the Israelites received it to the day when Jesus said on the cross, "Father into Your Hands, I commend my Spirit."