Hi my name is mandi nice to meet you are you here for the show?
Well of course i am because i'm a great cook and i fell like this will be the right opportunity for mr to get money.thanks
Oh wow that's awesome i kind of have the same reasons on being here well good luck.
So i assume you are the head chef of the show because you look really dressed up just for the show .
well I assume your right because i am and today i will be teaching you how to cook some of are special dishes that we have on the show.
so may i ask were did you learn how to cook ? i also got one more question are you a real human?
Well it first started when my grandmother was alive but now i have learned just by throwing stuff together and just making something.well not so really its complicated.
Tell me more about yourself what do you really do?
well i'm sorry to say this im not a real person i'm just a spirit who has came back to visit im leaving soon anyway.
No sir don't leave me.
well im sorry but i got to go now ill see you around