this man physically punished his wife and for this he is being accused of gender violence.
Defendant tell us your justification for these actions
Your Honor, this is not a crime in my culture and beliefs, and therefore I justify my actions, since an action or a belief is justified if it stands up to any kind of critical reflection or scrutiny; then and so I am exempt from criticism for it.
my particular perspective is my way of thinking about this and it is influenced by my beliefs and experiences, so I consider you guilty.
in my perspective and based on my beliefs and experiences I consider that in my religion this is normal and acceptable, therefore I consider your accusation unfair
Your Honor, due to the values that govern this society that indicate what is right and what is wrong and what is important in life, I consider that the defendant should be sanctioned.
defendant sentenced to 3 years in prison
Can you justify your actions even if they are bad, just because your values and perspective are different from ours?