Oh, God, I can't believe this. I mean, Ithought this happened to other people but not me. Imean, I'm only 16 years old. I had my wholelife ahead of me, and now I'm gonna die! I mean,what am I gonna do?
I...Oh, God, I'm so confused,and where's Mario? I called him over an hour ago. Allwe had to do was just use protection. I mean, thecondoms were right there.
Come in!
Yo, what's up, man? Hold it, hold it - wherethe tv at?
Mario, forget about the tv.
What are you talking about? I got 50 dollarson this game.
Mario, this is more important than thegame.
What? What? Alright, whoa, who's home?
There's nobody home right now.
Oh, then so that's why you called me overhere then...
Mario, that's how we got into this in thefirst place.
What are you talking about? What, what areyou talking about?
I went to the clinic today.
Oh, what you got? A little cold? I know howto fix that.
Mario, I don't have a cold.
Oh, my goodness, that's not what I heard.My boys talk... They told me they seen you with alltypes of dudes, Cathy. Come on, now.