In early 1300s, a priest sold indulgence which was used to scam.
Easy money...
Buy your indulgences for your sins to be forgiven or you will burn for eternity.
Outrageous. This was never mentioned in the Bible.
I got to stop this!
Look honey. Now we can rest in peace in heaven.
Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses outside a church at Wittenburg, Germany. He was caught doing so and was kicked out.
Get, out, NOW!
"32. Those who believe that, through letters of pardon [indulgences], they are made sure of their own salvation, will be eternally damned along with their teachers" (Luther).
In 1521, Martin Luther explain the idea of Lutheranism which benefited the peasants (crowd below).
There is still hope left in me!
A true Christian has faith in Jesus, rather than working hard to rest peacefully in heaven.
I'm afraid that violence would spread if we do not follow the noble's order. What shall I do?