Mine lady , have you heard about the wonderful teachings of les
Please do share the wonderful news good sir
I have learnt critical analysis and have acquired the necessary debate skills i need to present a valid argument
Oh my i see, does that mean hypothetically speaking if i were to commit murder you could get me out
Hahaha i wish i was that good, learning to debate without being offensive took me a bit of time but eventually i got it
Am so happy for you it means you can transfer the skills learned to your already impressive CV
Do not tell me you actually killed someone?
You the closest to a lawyer i could get Mr les
Sir, i ask you to think critically our case depends on you
Judging by the puncture discovered on the ex husbands body there is no way a lady of her structure enough PSI to deliver a would that deep
Am being framed for insurance money
I declare her innocent. Good critical analysis guess we can thank LES
They is no way she could have stabbed him, she way too skinny girl cant even catch a cold that upper arm strength.Instead of giving her a sentence give her a burger for the love of all that is holy