You'll be punished if you fall asleep, now but the baby to sleep!
this is Jaylen she was born into slavery and she was made a nurse maid.
She stayed up all night having to care for this child, and if she fell asleep, she'd be punished.
Let's go, you'll be safe!
she was known around the slaves for helping a slave escape. A heavy iron weight was thrown at him but missed and hit her instead. It nearly crushed her skull and she suffered from it her whole life.
she then married her husband Jamal who was a free man throughout their marriage they would gather up slaves and help free them and sometimes had help from whites.
Jaylen left to Philadelphia, but she wasn't done there. She came back to help other slaves escape. She was a nurse too and the injuries she had before never stopped her. They went through an Underground Railroad.
most slaves followed the north star so they could travel north as soon as the people took them as far as they could because the north was not a slave state.