Melanie stared off into space, thinking of flamingos, in her tiny booth. The sound of the teaching machine was in the back of her mind. She wondered if her father would ever let her go to Natural Park to see the flamingos and escape the poisonous smog surronding her city.
Falling Action
The firebirds were dying and went extinct so we put up a cardboard cutout to show people what they looked like
One day her father finally let her go to the park. She looked out of the helicopter. The sun was like a dim light (simile) but it was brighter than what Melanie had lived in. As soon as the helicopter landed, she jumped out and ran through the woods trying to find a flamingo. She finally found one in the water and started to run in. Melanie started to get closer but the flamingo wouldn't move.
Melanie went to touch it even though her father was yelling. As soon as she touched it, the falmingo fell. Melanie started crying after she realized it was cardboard. Her tears were flowing rivers as she sobbed at the discovery (Metaphor).
I have learned acceptance because of my fate
The caretaker explained why there weren't any flamingos and why there was cardboard in its place. With each word, Melanie's brain hurt more and more.
When the caretaker finished explaining, Melanie stood the flamingo up and said her goodbye.
Melanie had learned that because of her fate, she grew to know acceptance.