Human have 5 senses so that we can see, touch, smell, taste and hear. Animals also use their senses to learn the world.
Some animals have very sensitive ears and bats are one of them. They need it as they hunt at night.
Bats use their ears at night to tell where they are flying.
By : Ivaan Lim
We can sense things around us with our hearing .
We can hear things a human cannot.
Our sense of hearing are 30 times better than a human ‘s hearing.
Bats have extremely sensitive ears.
We can tell where the objects are when we hear our echoes.
Bats can emit and hear sounds at frequencies that are over 100000 waves per second.
We make a high-pitched squeaked called ‘ultrasound’ when we hunt at night. It is too high for human to hear it.
We have the best hearing of all land mammals. Like human driving, we produce a ‘honking’ noise too to avoid mid -air collision with other bats. Our excellent hearing helps us to detect if our prey are poisonous or not too.
Bats use echolocation to helps them navigate better in the dark. They send out sound waves using their mouth or nose. When the sound hits an object an echo comes back and this helps them to identify the object.They can tell the size, shape and texture of the objects by hearing the echo.
We make a noise and then listen to its echo to know where we are and what are the objects.
And we can hear things a human cannot .
And we can hear things a human cannot hear.
And we can hear things human’s can’t.
We make a high - pitched squeaked called ‘ultrasound’ when we hunt at night. It is too high for human to hear it