I rather live out side instead of having to smell that all my life.
Lets go inside
Not Just
Goodbye by helpful hand this will be the last time I see you
We wont be able to help other people with out hands
Not Just
Don't cast me into the water we can talk about this, it is no reason for death
You brought this on yourself
Law 21 " If a man has broken through the wall to rob a house, they shall put to death and pierce him in the hole in the wall he has made." This is not just because the man that lives there will have to smell and see him all the times.
Law 218 "If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on a free man for a serious injury,and has caused his death, his hands shall be cut off." This is not just because it says that the man had a serious injury so there was a chance that things wouldn't go that well.
Law 129 "If a married women is caught in a adultery with another man, they shall bind them and cast them into the water." This is no just because adulterating should not be a consequence to put the man and the women in death.