William is headstrong, has a thirst for knowledge, and intelligent. He continues pushing his knowledge on wind mill building to help others. However, he is also too independent and selfish. He refuses help from others and hogs food during the famine instead of sharing with his family.
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The theme is to chase your dreams, even if it's difficult to achieve. Even if William went through poverty, famine, and abuse from the government, he still obtained his dreams of helping his village and many others through science.
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"The bones began to show in my chest, and the rope I'd used as a belt no longer sufficed. Now I started pinching my two belt loops together, then tying them off with a stick." The author uses Imagery to show how the famine is taking over and affecting Williams and many others weight.
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"If solving such mysteries was the job of a scientist, then a scientist is exactly what I wanted to become." This quote foreshadows William's future profession and solving the problem of the lack of power in his village.
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Symbolism: the Windmill
The windmill built by William represents the great achievements made by men through hard times.