"And Arthur came, and laboring up the pass, / All in a misty moonshine, unawaires / Had trodden that crown'd skeleton, and the skull / Brake from the nape, and from the skull the crown / Roll'd into light, and turning on its rims. / Fled like a glittering rivulet to the tarn. / And down the shingly scaur he plunged, and caught, / And set it on his head, and in his heart."
"Lancelot and Elaine"
"Most noble lord, Sir Lancelot of the Lake, / I, sometimes call'd the maid of Astolat, / Come, for you left me taking no farewell, / Hither, to take my last farewell of you. / I loved you, and my love had no return, / And therefore to our Lady Guinevere, / And to all other ladies, I make moan: / Pray for my soul, and yiedl me burial. / Pray for my sould thou too, Sir Lancelot, / As thou art a night peerless."
"Hereafter in that world where all are pure / We two may meet before high God, and thou / Wilt spring to me, and claim me thine, and know / I am thine jusband- not a smaller soul, / Nor Lancelot, not another. Leave me that, / I charge thee, my last hope."