Search Bus: Users need to select for Bus destinations and through date selection.
Select Bus: after selecting trip now the user is able to select one way or round trip. BUS listing page is now available to sort to listing by price or time.
Bus Ticket Reservation system
Do you want round trip or one way ticket?
21 June
Round trip
November 30th
When are you planning to coming back?
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The price is also available on screen so that the users are aware of how much amount he/she needs to pay
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Bus Ticket Reservation System
There's a BUS that's leaving at 5:30 early morning and This bus ticket costs 5,000 rupees. Would you like me to book it?
Is there a cheaper BUS?
Yes, what about the return bus ticket?
There's a bus on June 30th From Delhi bus depo 6:30 pm and arriving in Mumbai at 2:59 am.
Guest Details: The users can also check and compare prices in all types of class (low fare, premium...). After that the user can proceed to guest detail where total amount and BUS summary is presented.
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Bus Ticket Reservation System
Would you like to reserve this reservation by paying now?
Using my credit card. here is my credit card information
How would u like to pay?
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Bus Ticker Reservation System
Confirmation: last but not least confirmation. Confirmation page is made to give user all details of his/her travel withoption to email, share and download.
Alright. Here is your confirmed reservation. do you need anything else?