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Angelman’s Syndrome

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Angelman’s Syndrome
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  • Is there anything we can do? Any treatment that might help?
  • Of course there is treatment that could help your child. Where the undercurrent treatment for Angelman syndrome is to focuses on managing the medical and developmental issues. You may take your child to a healthcare professional or a special needs center that could focus on his signs and symptoms and giving him Anti-seizure medication to control seizures, Physical therapy that could help him with his movement, Behavior therapy to help overcome hyperactivity and a short attention span and to aid in development, and lastly, Communication therapy, which may include sign language and picture communication on tablets.
  • Angerman syndrome is estimated that the frequency of Angelman’s syndrome is about 1 in the total population of 12,000-20,000. Also, it can affects both gender equally. However, many cases may not be diagnosed, so it is difficult to determine the prevalence of the disease in the general population. On the other hand, these genetic changes happens randomly during the formation of reproductive cells (eggs and sperm) or in early embryonic development. people that has it usually have no history of the disorder in their family. Rarely, a genetic change responsible for Angelman syndrome can be inherited.
  • if i wanna have more children in the future will they be diagnosed too, because of the genetics ?
  • Angelman syndrome is genetic disorder, it's caused by chromosomes 15 (ubiquitin protein ligase E3A' gene) where its missing and defective gene, and it's the only chromosomes active in the brain.
  • 5 years late
  • It’s been 5 years since our son was born, and to be honest at first it was challenging because it is a huge responsibility when it comes to your child being diagnosed. It felt different, his lifestyle is different, but now we got used to it. For instance, people go to normal schools, he goes to three different types of therapy as his school (behavior, physical,and communication therapy).
  • The reason we moved to Dubai is because they have a ‘Dubai center for special needs’ for free. It Refers to people with special needs or disabilities. Where they have the right medication for your child, and all kinds of therapy.
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