Okay students, these our your groups. You will choose a leader and then write an essay within the group. This will be due Friday.
I will take lead. Tommy and Sarah, each of you do a body paragraph. Bobby you do the intro and I will do the conclusion!
I have my rough draft done!
Tommy. Sarah. Bobby. Mindy.
I spent too much time on video games. I don't want to write this stupid essay
I didn't have time to start last night...
What have you guys completed so far?
Ive been playing video games all night, I will just look up an essay intro to bring into class so they will think I did it.
Bobby, Ive seen that essay before. It would be really beneficial for you to do your own. Once you get started it really doesn't take that long.
Tommy. Sarah. Bobby. Mindy.
I didn't write my intro, I really hope it doesn't get my group in trouble.
Everyone turn in your essays!!!!!
Honesty is the best policy!
Tommy. Sarah. Bobby. Mindy.
I'm scared to tell on myself but it is the right thing to do.
Mindy's group gets an F. You guys plagiarized!
Bobby iI think you need to be honest with Ms.Thomas. It is not fair that we all get in trouble, we all did our work and even tried to help you. You will feel much better if you are just straight up and take the consequence.
Mindy and her group all learned the consequences of plagiarism and why integrity is so important in life.
Im glad you were honest. Although plagiarism is easier, you need to always have more integrity than that. Your group will not be punished, and if you write your own by Monday i will give you partial credit, just never do it again.
Ms. Thomas I was the only one who plagiarized. I am sorry it just seemed easier. Please don't punish my group.