I need to create a budget to get on top of my debt! Budgets will also help me to manage my income from work, pay my bills on time, and get the most out of my money. By creating and following a budget, I will be able to stick to my SMART goal and buy my car back.
I cannot believe it! After months of hard work, working extra shifts and overtime, and selling some of my shoes and clothes, I've managed to save enough to buy back my car! It was all thanks to my budget! It allowed me to maintain financial stability, track my expenses, pay my bills on time, and save for major expenses like my car!
Here's some advice on how to spend your money wisely and control your debt! From my experience, I've learned that by firstly forming a SMART goal, and creating a budget, you will be able to stay on path and achieve any goal that you want. To spend your money wisely, you really need to prioritise your spending on essential item, like groceries and rent, before spending it on non-essentials, like take away and entertainment. Sorting out essentials an non-essentials can all be done through a budget by the way! Avoiding impulse buying purchases is also really helpful, so by taking time to really stop and think to yourself if you need that item or not, can help you save lots of money. Also investing your money in stocks can be very helpful as your money can grow overtime, but if you're new to investing, seeking a financial guide is recommended.