Hello! Welcome to your job interview! Make sure you ask me any questions you want about anything pertaining to the job!
Firstly, let me make clear that if you work here, treat this like your home.... with some limitations.
Obviously everything here is the schools property so do not break or steal anything, as you would be fired.
Oh yes of course! You wont have to worry about us!
Yes of course, we give our teachers the freedom of choice for what grade they would like to teach as long as their are available positions
Now before I can give you guys the job, you both need to teach a lesson on profit to some kids of ours.
Me and Olivia were wondering if we have the choice to what grade we teach or are we just assigned any one?
Hello kids! Today we are teaching you on profit! Profit is a financial gain and the money you earn!
Sorry, before we go back to my office, I have to go unfortunately turn down one our bus driver interviewers. There is a lot of competition for the job and not everyone can get the job!
Oh no! I'm glad the teaching department does not have as much competition!
Thank You so much! I cant wait to start!
You wont regret it!
Well I think it is safe to say you are both very qualified and very great people that I would love to have teach my students. You have both got the job!