Psyche was beautiful, but she thought of this beauty as a curse. She was so beautiful that she was worshiped as the goddess of love.
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One day, Psyches dad made a deal with a monstrous creature. She was tomarrythe creature and her dad would have to abandon her. They made the deal and her dad left.
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And so on Psyche went until one day the West Wind carried and took her away to a palace where she didn't know.
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Psyche saw a man that wasn't her husband but still very handsome. She went with him and eventually got pregnant.
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Psyche figured out that the man.. was cupid. She also found out that he struck himself with an arrow so he could fall in love with her. Cupid flew away for a long while because he didn't think they would work out.
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Psyche went looking for him because she thought they could work out after all. Cupids mother stopped her in her tracks. His mother said that psyche could only wed Cupid if she completed tasks. She completed them and found Cupid. They had their baby and ended up naming her Pleasure, as well as Cupid made Psyche immortal.