This story follows the adventures of Aiden and John as they join the AMB Aiden has a redshirt. John has a sweatshirt.
Title Card
Hearing the band.
This band sounds cool!
This band is nice!
Joining the band.
Sure! You will play trumpets.
Can we join marching band?
(slowly Fade in from black)(Do a ripple dissolve into the next scene)
Practicing with the band.
Friday, at Football game...
Aiden and John are at a band performance. They enjoy the performance. The next day they...(Next scene)
Becoming full members.
5 days later...
Both students walk into the band room. They ask the director if they can join the AMB. The director agrees to let them join. Both students then walk to their next class. (Enter next scene)
Game Time!
Later that day...
After the instructional period is over, the students go outside so they can practice with the band. Both students are "Sweating Bullets" as they have not brought a change of clothes. (enter the next scene.)
After a couple of days of practice, the director calls them to her office, stating that they have passed their testing period. Band practice ends at 6:00. Both students go home and wait for Friday. (Next scene)
3 days later...
You have practiced hard. You are now full time members of the AMB!
Friday comes, the students march onto the field at halftime to perform. Neither student messes up. After the game, they go back to school to pack their things. (ends here)