Hello, I am a sediment of a rock I am just one of the 3 main rocks that go through the rock cycle. The rock cycle is a sequence of events that happen in a pattern that eventually returns to the beginning. It is a cycle of rocks that changes throughout time including sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, and igneous rocks. I personally think that sedimentary rocks are the best but my friends on the other slides have other opinions listen to what we have to say then decide for yourself Well sedimentary rocks happen when rocks get broken down and get blown, pushed, thrown, or put in a river. The river pushes the rock around and when it settles at the bottom other rock sediments get compacted by the pressure of the water. Then they become one rock that has lots of little pieces of rock in it that were all cemented together by the pressure of the water.
You can classify rocks in multiple ways to make sure that it is the exact rock you think it is The main ways are moh's hardness scale, streak test, and luster. Moh's hardness scale is a test to see how hard a rock is there are different levels to see how hard it is. Streak test is when you have a piece of porcelain and you scratch the rock in it to see what color the streak is. Luster is how shiny something is it can have a metallic luster, pearly, glassy, or earthy luster.
Hello, I am an igneous rock I don't know what my friend sediment said but Igneous rocks are best here's why. I am created from lava or magma. There are two types of igneous rocks there that are intrusive and extrusive. intrusive is when magma cools inside the earth slowly over time. Extrusive is when lava cools quickly on the crust of the earth.
Hello, I am a metamorphic rock now look I don't know what either of my friends said but I am by far the best here is why. A metamorphic rock is an igneous or sedimentary rock that goes through what is called metamorphism. It is where a rock gets buried then goes through immense heat and pressure. This usually happens deep in the earth or where tectonic plates meet. There are two types of metamorphic rocks foliated and nonfoliated. In a foliated rock you can see the layers of the rock but nonfoliated rocks show colored bands in the rock.