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cyber bullying

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cyber bullying
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  • I am getting annonously cyber builed
  • every where it goes it follows me
  • you will never be enough
  • is it true?
  • One day Kate was on the couch and she got a message on her computer saying, mean things to her, she did not think much of it then it started to sink in that someone would think that.
  • I can help! This is not right!
  • Mom! I am getting cyber builed and nothing is going to help!
  • the next day
  • thank you so much
  • At the time Kate did not think to tell an adult. What was that going to do? But, this followed her everywhere to the point where she waited for someone to text her something rude every day.
  • I heard you were getting cyber bullyed. Dont worrie we will figure it out.
  • It had been a couple of days and Kate did not hear anything from this person. Did they feel bad? No, they did not they kept on the next day but this time they had gotten her email on her computer. She had had enough.
  • I was the cyber bully I am so sorry. I was trying to put you down because I was incacure and was jellous of you.
  • thats ok but, mabey next time dont take it out on me and we can be friends.
  • That day she started to believe what this person was saying. She has had it. She ran Into her house and bolted to her room but her mom stopped her. She said, ¨how was your Day?¨ Kate still did not want to tell her mom but she knew something was wrong. It was time to speak to her.
  • The next day Kate went to school and during the first period, Mr.Tate asked, Kate, are you getting cyberbullied? She said yes. I head ruby at the other side of the room waiting for me to leave. I guess she was having problems too.
  • Kate was walking after school and sat down to look at some homework. Ruby was walking around the corner I saw the sad look on her face what had happened. She sat down and explained what had happened and why she bullied me. I did not know whether to feel happy that she had turned herself in or to feel bad. she had been hurting more than me more than I had ever before. Kate forgave her over time and it all was good.
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