This would be a good temple for me to build for God and my people.
Great idea but you are not the right person to build it.
There is Bathsheba she looks beautiful.
Is that King David watching me from over there?
I have sinned against the Lord!
David I know what you did with Bathsheba and i know about you killing Uriah.
King David had an idea to create a temple but God told him he is not the right person to build it. David wanted to create the Temple so that God can be present at all times and he wanted to create an eternal Kingdom.
Where is he?
I am so scared. What am I going to do?
We need to find my father and kill him so I can take over as King!
King David saw Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, bathing and he slept with her and he got her Pregnant. To cover it up he got Uriah killed and David married Bathsheba.
The prophet Nathan confronted King David about him sleeping with Bathsheba and getting her pregnant and confronted him about the killing of Uriah. David knew that he had sinned against God and he thought that he should die and suffer for his consequences.
Absolom, David's son made a plan against David so he would lose is power so he and some other people tried to kill David so he fled to hide in the wilderness. After a while he was then back on his throne but he was sad and miserable from all of his mistakes.
King David passed away at the age of 70 on the Sabbath in 970 BCE in Jerusalem. He ruled for 40 years.