Alright Charlie. Just let me finish attaching this tire.
Aye, mate! Boss wants to see you down in the room.
Well... that's actually what I came here to talk to you about.
Holy cow Charlie! How do we still have so many cars unsold
What?!?That's why I'm being called down? No, no, no. I'm too young and too beautiful to die early!
I heard that we're losing money. The folk aren't buying the cars anymore. Boss isn't too happy, and started laying off people
(Read Charlie's thought bubble first)Factory workers working on an assembly line, manufacturing Model T. cars.
Please boss.. don't do this. I'll do anything. Just don't fire me
What are you?.. Get up and stop your blubbering.
(Read Heath's thought bubble first)Goods were overproduced and there was an excess of items.
... Alright, I understand sir. I'll go pack my things and then I'll be on my way.
I'm sorry, Heath. But I just can't do anything about this. We don't have the money.
(Read Charlie's thought bubble first)Because of the overproducing of goods, and people not buying them, companies started losing money, and had to start laying off employees.
I guess it's just you and me now, bread.
(Read Heath's thought bubble first)Workers couldn't afford to be laid off, and needed these jobs to support themselves and their families.
(Read the boss's thought bubble first)Employees had no choice but to go.
Factory workers no longer got an income, because they no longer had jobs. This led to an American struggle.