Bojim se, da ti bom umazal roke, če se jih bom dotaknil. Lepe so tako kot tvoje ustnice. Želim te držati v svojem objemu za večnost.
Preveč ste prijazni, dragi gospod. Tvoje roke so neverjetno mehke, rad bi jih držal. In tvoje ustnice...
Oh, Romeo, where is my Romeo?! If I cannot be with him as a Capulet, I will no longer be a Capulet!
[Aside] Shall I hear more or should I speak? She is a true icon of beauty in my heart.
I am an idiot! I killed the cousin of my wife that I met yesterday!
How much longer do I have to lie here for?
Let's hope the plan works...
No...not my only daughter...
It is time to put aside our differences, Capulet.
Yes, it is, Montague. We must end the feud now.
We were a perfect icon of true love! We sacrificed ourselves for each other!
Moral of the story: Don't be like Romeo and Juliet with love. Take your time to build your relationship and DEFINITELY don't get married in barely three days of meeting your significant other.