I am sooo tired of my co-workers... Work has become so frustrating,
Dr. Gage Paine suggests maybe the use of silence will allow the other person to continue their thoughts, that maybe "they have something more to say" (TedXTalks, 2013)
I don't even want to be there anymore! But I need the money...
By allowing the other person to fully explain some factors, such as finances, and difficulty with co-workers...
My coworkers aren't outright mean, but they ignore me, won't talk to me
I am just unhappy about doing my job. Maybe that even shows, and poorly affects my coworkers.
By offering silence, I am careful to employ attentiveness through nonverbal listening skills such as maintaining eye contact and interest
Silence may allow a person to organize their own thoughts and arrive at their own judgements to
I need a new career plan. I am miserable, and that affects everyone. I don't want to do that and I want to be happy too.
REFERENCES Egan, G. (2014). The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity Development Approach to Helping (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. TedXTalks. (2013, January 26). The Sound of Silence: Dr. Gage Paine at TEDxSanAntonio 2012. Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=611&v=Y1g1A1i7XJM