Wide angle shot showing family at the dinner table
Scene: Opening Scene
Scene: Opening Scene
Tom gets up and point at jar
Scene: Opening Scene
Scene: Opening Scene
Luke opens door to Will
Scene: The School
Tom and Byron walk out of bathroom covered in peanut butter and mustard
The School
Will and Luke running away
Luke and Will walking into school
Will and Luke walking together talking
Luke flashbacks to his parents covered in condiments
The Office
Mr.Martin Introduces Sac and intimidates Luke
The Idea
Luke and Will talking then Luke gets called through speakers
Luke and Mr.Martin discussing the Sac
The Idea
Will and Luke discuss the plan
The Idea
Luke getting bullied while Will sits there with popcorn
The Idea
Will begins to explain his idea
The Idea
Mr.Martin out the front of school smoking
The Idea
Will still explaining
The Idea
They appear in the office trying to get the test
The Idea
It's locked
The idea
Mr.Martin walks in on them
Classroom Time Skip
Mr.Martin gives infomercial on Safes
Finding Josh
Mr.Martin turns around and they are both gone
Image Attributions:2115057 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-storage-box-2115057/) - Bruno Thethe - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
Will and Luke end up in the classroom in the past with their current memories and discuss what to do next
They find Josh and explain the situation. Josh agrees and Will begins to explain his new plan but it cuts off
Image Attributions
2115057 - Bruno Thethe - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed