Often times patients are discharged from a critical care setting only to return to the hospital a few days or weeks later.
Ensuring continuity of care following patient discharge from a critical care unit.
Reflective Journal By: Lacey Stevens
Over the years as a nurse, I have seen many patients return to the hospital shortly after discharge. What are we doing to ensure these patients are being safely discharged home? How can we prevent the adverse outcomes from occurring?
Why are you passionate about this topic?
How can we make sure you have all available resources to ensure a safe discharge home?
Decreasing the rate of readmission is vital as it improves patient outcomes and quality of life post hospital stay. About one in 5 patients were re-admitted to the hospital within 6 months(Damiani et al., 2019).
Why is it important to nursing practice?
ImportanceDecrease financial burdenWhole person centered careDecrease adverse outcomesCreates a trusting relationship
Organization of the capstone project is extremely important as it ensures you stay on track.
Develop & OrganizeDivide project into sections. Interview interdisciplinary care team.Research and obtain data on patient readmission.Organize data gathered.Brainstorm data found.
Identify evidence-based information. Provide in depth review of evidence-based data obtained. Create rough draft with data collected. Create Stragety plan using information obtained.
Damiani, G., Federico, B., Venditti, A., Sicuro, L.,Rinaldi, S., Cirio, F., . . . Ricciardi, W. (2019). Hospital discharge planning and continuityof care for aged people in an Italian local health unit: Does the care-home model reduce hospitalreadmission and mortality rates? BMC Health Services Research, 9(1).doi:10.1186/1472-6963-9-22