Hello, I would like to inform you about recycling and why it is important for us, our environment, and our economy.
Recycling is very good for the environment, prevents a lot of pollution, and doesn't take up any time to do.
One study found that in a single year, reusing and recycling activities accounted for 75,000 jobs, $36.6 billion in wages, and $6.7 billion in tax revenues. That's a lot of jobs and money being saved!!
We need to recycle for other reasons, too. Do you know how many limited resources are needed to manufacture different kinds of goods? When we recycle, more of those resources are being saved.
Recycling has a lot of benefits, but we can't get those things if we don't all try to help.
There are a lot of wild animals, and it is not good for them, or for us to pollute our environment, you can help make pollution better, just by throwing glass, plastic, and paper into a different can!!
Remember that food and anything that even has a small bit of food on it, IS NOT recyclable.
Some types of plastic, glass, paper, and electronic parts are recyclable. To get more info on recyclables and reusing, you can go to https://sustain.princeton.edu/resources/recycling
Every little thing that is recycled counts!! We can all make a difference if we try! The U.S. is doing good already, and you can make it even better! You can also go to https://scdhec.gov/why-recycle-campus to learn even more about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.