the kid's parent gets captured. then he runs home because he was not sure if they were captured because he saw them in a bunch of people. then he gets to the roof which is home and he lives in a pigeon coop so he makes to the roof door he bang on it because they have metal bars the acts as locks his cousin come to get the door he shocks because his parent always opens the door so the cries then he thinks and he realizes he must live.
it unclue gets snipe by a dude with gun and dogs. he gets shot when he doing work. then the kid ask a kid about the person that killed his uncluse dayly kill count. then he tell him one his uncle the kid sad says no. then the dude like no he is dead so he dead.
he is on the elvavder to the salt mine when they talk about a man who has made them suffer. then they talk about where they're at a person gets salt is his finger and eats it. then the guards told them there was no reason to try and escape because they would end up getting lost and only have to eat salt so they will die. then the person they talk about gets killed