Long time ago, there was no land throughout the world. There were only the sky and the sea. Also, there already lived in heaven a being whom the Tirurays knew as Sualla (or Tullus-God)
Go to Sualla and ask for some medicine for our son.
Sualla had a sister who lived in Bonggo, the kingdom of the dead. Both Sualla and his sister were very powerful, and were able change any object to other forms.
Okay, take this medicine and give it to Alas. But, you'll meet a man on your way home. Do not let him take or hold the medicine that I gave you.
Sualla, please help us save my son.
One day Sualla went to the palace of the rising sun to visit eight khnenentaos (statue) which stood against the walls of heaven. The eight khnenentaos were made from the pith of a very hard wood, and had been there since the beginning of time. When he arrived, Sualla touched one of the central figures. The khnenentao he touched was given life and thus the first man was created.
Don't be scared. I just want to see what you are hiding. Come on show it to me.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Noooo! Stay back.
Sualla left the man he created. But the first man was always sad and lonely, he took one of the man’s ribs and made a woman of it. Sualla married the man and the woman. Not long afterwards a very good looking son was born. But, alas, the boy would never stop crying. His cry was so loud that it was heard throughout the universe. He became sick, and the parents were much worried.
When Sualla heard that his omat (man-creation) was in distress, he was sorry and said that he would never again directly increase his human creations. He gave the necessary medicine for the sick boy
On his way of Omat, he met the king of the demons who had been sent by Sinonggol, the sister of Sualla. The king of the demons grabbed the medicine and deftly changed it. As soon as Omat had back what he thought was his medicine, he hurried on. When he arrived home, Omat gave the medicine to Alas but he died immediately.