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A Midsummer Night's Dream Comic

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A Midsummer Night's Dream Comic
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  • O Helena! You are a nymph, a goddess! So divine!
  • Oh Lysander, it's so dark I couldn't see you! Thank goodness our ears work better when our eyes cannot. Why did you leave me alone, my love?
  • EW! Why would I stay with YOU?? Who would stay when their love is not with them?
  • What do mean? Don't you love me?
  • The lady I love is Helena, who is brighter than all the stars in the night sky! Don't you understand that I left you because I hate you?
  • Wow. All three of you are in this conspiracy to make a joke out of me?
  • Lysander, you can't be serious! You don't know what you are saying..
  • I don't understand Helena! I'm not mocking you! It feels as if you are mocking me!
  • UGH! I can't take it anymore! Hermia, I thought we were best friends! For many years we treated each other like sisters! Why are you all betraying me like this?! You probably told Lysander to follow me and told Demetrius to call me a nymph! Hermia, making fun of me like this will make every woman hate you!!
  • Hermia comes to the clearing and finds Helena, Demetrius and Lysander talking to each other. She asks Lysander where he had been, but Lysander rudely responds to her.
  • Do not worry my sweet. Let me explain how much I love you.
  • No Helen! I love you more than Lysander does!
  • Well then. I challenge you to a duel!
  • Lysander, who is under a love spell 'confesses' his love to Helena. Hermia asks him if he knows what he is talking about, as Lysander is Hermia's lover.
  • Lysander! My love! What are you doing now? Please stop.
  • Leave me alone you horrible woman! You vile creature! You disgusting poison! I hate you! I only love Helena!
  • My goodness! Why are so mean to me all of a sudden Lysander?!?
  • Helena think that Hermia is part of Demetrius and Lysander's scheme to make fun of her. She accuses Hermia of being a faulty friend, but Hermia is confused as to why Helena is blaming her.
  • Helena! You monster! You're such a thief! You stole my lover from me in the middle of the night!
  • Aren't you even a little embarrassed to do this to me? Do you want me to scream because of my anger!?! You horrible LITTLE puppet!
  • Lysander and Demetrius try to calm Helena down by explaining their love for her. They both get into an argument and decide to fight to win Helena.
  • Alright! I accept!
  • Hermia tries to stop Lysander from fighting Demetrius, but Lysander pushes her away calling her horrible names and running off to fight with Demetrius.
  • Heartbroken Hermia accuses Helena for stealing her lover away from her. Helena still thinks this is all a prank and blames Hermia for betraying her.
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